
Showing posts from November, 2018

Juniper Publishers-Executive Dysfunction in Depression

Executive Dysfunction in Depression Authored by Shahbaz khan Executive dysfunction is common in Major depression and includes problems with planning, organizing, sequencing, shifting, information processing speed, and maintaining information in working memory [1,2]. The relationship is complex and adds to the disability [3]. The test commonly used for executive function in psychiatric disorders is the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) [4]. Studies have shown that WCST scores may be affected even with relatively mild depression [5] and executive dysfunction may vary as a function of the severity of depression [6]. However, some studies found no such relationship between severity of depression and the overall cognitive performance [7]. Moreover, only a few studied executive dysfunctions in young depressives [8]. In the present study we compared the executive functions in depression with healthy controls and attempted to see whether there is any differenc...

Juniper Publishers-There is Plenty of Time to Grow Up, But, Let a Child be a Child

There is Plenty of Time to Grow Up, But, Let a Child be a Child Authored by  Deborah A Williams  As a professional and a mother, I remember that the development of an infant through early childhood moves so quickly after the time of birth. One thing for certain is that “childhood” should be one reflected in joy, exploration, assimilation of knowledge through experiences, joy, and happiness. There is no greater pleasure than hearing and seeing a happy child laugh, grow, and showing joy. These particular memories provide the binding force that links many children to their parents. However, for so many unfortunate children it has become a time of abandonment, neglect, abuse, and great sadness due to trauma or injury. From the time we are born into this world our eyes and ears have become a direct link to the daily experience as a growing young child. Although, speech comes later as a youngster, children do learn to mimic what they hear from daily influences...

Juniper Publishers-Conversion Disorder

Conversion Disorder Authored by Varadarajan Sundaramahalingam Stress is prevalent or we may come across stress throughout our life span. There are certain stresses which may impact our physiological system in school aged children. When the psychological stress affects the physiological system it may have adverse effect later may result in going for doctor shopping. Conversion disorder is a mental health condition in which a person has blindness, paralysis, or other nervous system (neurological) symptoms that cannot be explained by medical evaluation. To view more.. PHP in Juniper Publishers in Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal

Juniper Publishers-Emotion Regulation and Existential Meaning-Making in Young Women with Mental Ill-Health Concerns–A Qualitative Study

Emotion Regulation and Existential Meaning-Making in Young Women with Mental Ill-Health Concerns–A Qualitative Study Authored by Christina Lloyd Increasing rates of psychiatric problems, like anxiety, worry, and anguish among Swedish youth–especially among females, are considered a serious public mental health concern. To explore psychological and existential vulnerability and needs among female youths with mental ill-health concerns, a qualitative in-depth interview study was done with a sample comprised of ten females on the waiting-list at an outpatient psychotherapy clinic. In relation to everyday life, critical events, and ultimate concerns, two areas were explored: Emotion regulation and Existential meaning-making, and their interrelations were examined. Results indicated that these areas appear to be strongly related processes in this sample, possibly due to frequent experiences of relational losses and disruptions. Such experiences, if not repaired...

Juniper Publishers- INDAL: A Computer Program for Comparing Multiple Independent Coefficient Alphas

INDAL: A Computer Program for Comparing Multiple Independent Coefficient Alphas Authored by N Clayton Silver  There are times when one might want to compare the coefficient alphas of three or more tests measuring the same construct. The computer program, INDAL, is introduced which compares multiple coefficient alphas using the omnibus Fisher-Bonett approach followed by subsequent pairwise comparisons using F tests. To view more.. PHP   in Juniper Publishers in Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal

Spiritual Practices for Emotional Healing: Implications for Training Trauma Therapists by L N Suman in JuniperPublishers in Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal