Juniper Publishers| Role of Teacher in Student's Personality Development

Journal of Psychology-JuniperPublishers

Education aims at the creation of a complete human being manifesting all the potentials. These days we often observe that the 'cognitive aspects of personality is more emphasized than the affective aspect. These qualities develop in the context of the society one stays in. As we, today, live in a rapidly changing and shrinking world and consequently it calls for teachers with a broad, deep and thorough understanding of life. Students learn in many ways: the attitude of their teachers to problems of life; their point of view and their methods of dose. So, teachers' philosophy of life has an important bearing on the life of the student. It does not matter what subject a teacher teaches, his general attitude impresses itself upon pupils, independent of the subject matter.
A teacher is not simply an information monger, he goes beyond it. A teacher links his teaching with the ultimate values of life. For example, we take the case of a teacher of psychology. He goes beyond mere dates and facts and gives an insight in to the goals of life and society. He has to strive to create in his pupils a desire to leave the world a better place than he found it. Hence, a teacher is expected to combine within himself thoroughness of knowledge and mastery of technique, together with a wholesome philosophy of life.
Therefore, a teacher develop the spirit of enquiry among his students, a spirit so closely linked with the scientific spirit, which is the distinguishing feature of our age, knowledge full well that in doing so he invites being questioned himself. Not only does he re-retrain himself continuously in terms of subject matter, pedagogy, and educational technology, but he learns and enriches himself through this new relationship with his students.
This is the era of 'knowledge explosion' as it is being observed that in this fast changing scenario of world of work new knowledge is coming up IT based. It is manufactured, distributed, stored and selectivity retrieved by mechanical methods which almost rival the marvels of human brain, and work much faster. Thus, it is important to be mentioned here that it is not a matter challenge to a teacher to teach in these trying conditions in our schools, colleges, and universities because teacher impart the new knowledge to his pupils by utilizing available latest technology. It works as an acid test of his success provided that he knows more than his pupils. Narrow-minded outlook or limited knowledge on the part of a teacher can prove disastrous in his day-to-day teaching. Either he shall be compelled to quit the profession, or to swell the ranks of frustrated teachers. Therefore, a teacher has to go into the depths of the study of everyday life in order to enable himself to do full justice towards his students.
It is undoubtedly fact that no one can be a teacher without knowing his subject. As we are aware that a teacher should be a man of wide education and of good culture, it is because of the fact that in order to be a good teacher, one must also be a good student. This is the best way of improving one's knowledge is by cultivating the habit of reading.
As a matter of fact, teachers are the mediators between the system of education and the students. The present brief writeup throws light on the significant role of teacher and institutions in the development of student’s personality. Though, most of the studies in this field are concerned with schools/colleges situation, hence, the results are applicable to teacher and students’ behavior in general.
There are various psychological roles that are expected from a teacher in his life, for example, role of a representative of society, helper in the learning process, parent substitute a referee etc. In each situation role is a mixture of four considerations, the images projected by the children, the expectations of the profession, the personal intent of the teacher and demands of the larger community. It is often seen that maximum development of students' potentialities is the aim of any educational system. Teaching is expected to be creative for such development of the child. However, there are many obstacles in the way of creative teaching. An enthusiastic teacher may face many problems if he wants to make any change in traditional patterns of teaching. There are many factors like attitude of the authority, teacher's unwillingness to do extra efforts; absence of creative potential in him may inhibit creative teaching.
Personal observations revealed the fact that significant role of some factors in teachers' behavior that affect student behavior not only in India but abroad too. Attitude of the teacher towards teaching, organizational climate, teacher-student relationship, these are some important factors which supports pat research evidences.
In the present writings, efforts are made to stimulate thinking regarding the practical application of psychological principles in the field of education that may contribute in student’s personality development. Training is an important aspect of Human Resources development and by training students for better memorization, correct decision making and problem solving are some other steps which may definitely help the students in developing their personalities. By making strategies of a course/or program of study, students can be made aware about the present socio-cultural trends in which they desire to work. The course in 'knowledge of environment' may also be useful for this purpose as generally said that "the true education of the intellect can come only through the development of body and mind with a corresponding awakening of the soul. They constitute an indivisible whole. Man is neither mere intellect nor the gross animal body nor the heart or soul alone. A proper and harmonious combination of the body, mind and soul is required for making of the whole man."
At last but not the least, some suggestions are proposed which may stimulate further thinking regarding teachers' responsibility in development of well integrated personalities among students with particular reference to college and university students.



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